bronze age|bronze age in English


Copper Age, era before the Age of Steel, period in the history of pre-historic ma

Use "bronze age|bronze age" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bronze age|bronze age" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bronze age|bronze age", or refer to the context using the word "bronze age|bronze age" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bronze Age settlement and Iron Age cemetery.

2. a Bronze Age drinking vessel.

3. China witnessed a bronze age.

4. We offer Modern, Bronze Age, Silver Age, and Golden Age Comics

5. A form of bronze, though it dates back before the Bronze Age.

6. Bronze Age The Bronze Age is a prehistoric period that was characterized by the use of Bronze, in some areas proto-writing, and other early features of urban civilization.

7. He attributes this pottery to the Bronze age.

8. The pre - Qin days were China's bronze age.

9. The Barbarians were knocking about in the late bronze age and iron age.

10. Luisenlund Bronze Age monoliths and the rift valley of Ekkodal.

11. This particular part of the excavations is concentrating on the Bronze Age and Iron Age levels.

12. 2 Luisenlund Bronze Age monoliths and the rift valley of Ekkodal.

13. The bronze statue had acquired a hard green patina with age.

14. Brigandines are unlocked by the Brigandine knowledge, This comes around Bronze age

15. 6 The bronze statue had acquired a hard green patina with age.

16. Burial Cairns date primarily from the Neolithic Period and the Early Bronze Age

17. In the Bronze Age, the Hellenes had trade and cultural contacts with Egypt.

18. This was an infinitely old notion, going back to the early Bronze Age.

19. Archaeologists are excavating a Bronze Age settlement on the outskirts of the village.

20. during the transitional period from Bronze to Iron Age, the settlement reached largest extension.

21. Leo Zodiac Amulet- horoscope, magic, Reiki, witchcraft, witch, crystals, jewelry, magic, new age, ritual, peridot, gems, bronze, new age TheCovensCorner

22. Crafting: Bronze atgeir Bronze axe Bronze buckler Bronze helmet Bronze mace Bronze nails Bronze pickaxe Bronze plate cuirass Bronze plate leggings Bronze spear Bronze sword Bronzehead arrow Cultivator Building: Adze Anvils Fermenter Hanging brazier Bronze is currently the only alloy in the …

23. Astragali gaming pieces were discovered from Late Bronze Age Gordian through the Medieval period

24. The Middle Paleolithic to Late Bronze Age periods are also documented at the site.

25. As prehistory, these are typically based on sequences ranging from palaeolithic stone axes through bronze age pottery to iron age swords.